Have you ever wondered why the phrase “talking to a wall” is used to signify one-way conversations? Well walls are mostly embodiments of clichés even with a funky coat of paint. In the world of real estate, walls can be very useful if you employ ingenuity in upgrading them as they can enhance storage in the house and can add a unique flair that can make your house more desirable to the buyers. Here are some of the ways that you can benefit from.
Are you living in a small house or an apartment and you are constantly fishing for spaces to store away your stuff? Well mini cubbies can be the remedy for this problem of space that you can opt for and it is relatively cheaper. However, be mindful of the electric wires and water pipes going through the walls which can get damaged when you are trying to make these cubbies.
You can also go for wood to add a little bit of life to your walls and, in this case, you can choose peel and stick wood. Planks of this type of wood creates a comfy and cozy atmosphere for your living space. Such an option can be adopted for your bedrooms and living room. This type of wood does not require heavy-duty adhesives that can destroy your walls. Reclaimed peel and stick wood can be the best choice one can have in using a wooden texture for your walls.
One of the cheapest and convenient way to change the look of your walls is the of use wallpapers as they can be easily removed if you want to change the look. Wallpapers allows you the opportunity to go wild with the design of your walls without damaging the future prospects of a good deal on your house. Moreover, you can follow the trends and fads very closely, for example, changing the wallpaper every other month.
You got kids at home? Have you ever stepped on a LEGO? If yes to both, then having some fun with LEGOs can do the job of designing your walls in the most efficient manner. You can also bring the child that has been buried deep inside of you after the advent of adulthood and design your wall with LEGOs.
Cork-boards are another option that can be utilised as they are pretty versatile in designing your wall. With cork-boards you get a lot flexibility in customising your walls just like your social media feed as it allows you to pin anything to it like small paintings. You can also construe this option as an eco-friendly alternative to installing wallpapers in your house. For storage purposes, you can install shelves and attaching a cork to a board is as easy as opening a bottle. You just have to get a good adhesive and cut cork panels meticulously.
For more information on real estate and home decor in Pakistan visit OLX Pakistan’s website. OLX is an online market place that sells a diverse category of products from automobiles to real estate and mobile phones and much more!
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