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Freezer Buying Basics

Summer isn’t the only thing that’s near – Eid is here and people’s storage needs are rising. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with our storage buying guide. Here’s a few things to keep in mind when purchasing your ideal freezer:


Premium Vs Price-conscious

Vertical freezers generally cost more than chest freezers because they’ve got better organizational features such as drawers and shelves and can fit through doorways relatively easily compared to deep freezers. But its important to note that despite being more expensive, vertical freezers last about five years less than chest freezers. So don’t make your final decision on the basis of price alone.


Go Big or Go Home

After cost, freezer storage capacity is probably the first characteristic people consider when making their purchases. The freezer size is directly proportional to the family size, food size and the eating habits of the family. As a reference for capacity, freezers, whether chest or vertical, come in three basic sizes: compact or small (5-9 cubic feet), medium (12-18 cubic feet), and large (greater than 18 cubic feet). Although logic dictates the bigger the family, the bigger the freezer, there are other factors to consider too.


Energy Gobbler or Saver?

Deep freezers usually consume less energy compared to vertical freezers because items are arranged in stacks and layers, rapidly cooling themselves by insulation which cuts down the electricity bill quite a bit. Simply put, if you’re budget doesn’t allow for much options, just go for a bargain-priced, high-energy consumption freezer which despite its quality is still going to last for a good few years. Meanwhile, a low-energy consumption freezer will definitely cut down your electricity bill in the long run but it’s going to cost you a bit upfront.


Make It Fresh or Fast?

Given the current climate, it’s really important to consider how long your freezer keeps your food intact. Also, since we’re on the topic, here’s a little tidbit – cold air spills out when you repeatedly open the freezer door so avoid unnecessarily opening the freezer door, especially after you’ve just opened it. When it comes to keeping cold in, vertical freezers struggle to keep food cold during power outages while deep freezers can store food at colder temperatures for longer during blackouts. On the flipside, most vertical freezers have invaluable auto-defrost features that come in really handy when preparing quick meals, and don’t exist in most chest freezers. 

Find a Guarantee on a Good Warranty

Freezers, like any other household appliance, are prone to wear and tear over time so it’s best to choose one with a comprehensive warranty. Most well-known manufacturers start from a one-year standard warranty, then offering up to two-year, three-year and sometimes, even four-year extended warranties. The other advantage of choosing from a known brand, is availability of parts. Regardless if your freezer is vertical or chest, if your freezer breaks down, you need to have peace of mind that its parts can be found easily and you won’t have to wait too long to get your appliance fixed. 

Last but not least, there are a few other uncategorized features that you should look out for such as freezer locks, interior lights, temperature alarms and lightweight lids. Freezer locks are important in case children are nearby or if you want to ensure the door stays firmly closed after use and interior lights might be a good feature for you if your kitchen is dark or if you’re freezer isn’t placed in a well-lit place. Temperature alarms would be excellent to have because they alert you if your stored items are getting too warm and lightweight doors make life a lot easier, especially when you’re quickly opening and closing the lids.

At the end of the day, while cost is probably the first aspect in people’s minds when buying a freezer, there’s lots of other features to consider when buying a large appliance for your home. So, when making your purchase, try to balance your budget with other freezer features as well.

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