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Best Bedroom Curtain Ideas To Elevate Your Bedroom Look

Best Bedroom Curtain Ideas To Elevate Your Bedroom Look

You must have heard it several times from interior designers that curtains can really make or break the entire look of your bedroom. This means that they need to be chosen carefully. 

Choosing the right curtains for your room can be overwhelming sometimes. Picking the right fabric, color, length and patterns are all considerations that may lead to a muddled mind but are of utmost importance. People choose these details keeping in view the kind of vibe they prefer their room to have.

Before you go crazy about all of these details, do not forget that the basic purpose of curtains is to block sunlight to help you get a sound sleep and keep you warm. 

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Here are some of the tips that will help you get your beauty sleep in a space that looks and feels great as well.

1. Pick a Curtain Heading That Fits Your Style

Curtain headings may not seem important but we would like you to know that every curtain heading creates a distinctive look.


People who are looking for modern bedroom curtain ideas should try a curtain track system, while those who want a more relaxed look can experiment with tie-top curtains. 

If your room has a white color palette, go for a black curtain pole as it will add to the overall freshness of the room. 

2. Decide Between a Plain and Patterned Design

Nothing adds more life to a plain bedroom than a patterned room curtain. 

It is upto you to decide if you want plain or patterned curtains. We suggest you keep the rest of the room simple if you are more inclined towards patterned curtains. 


Confused about choosing a print? You can choose a tropical or botanical print for your curtains. Even a curtain with simple polka dots or stripes will do all the talking for your room. 

You can also choose a pattern that can stand the test of time. 

3. Go Long

Going long is an ideal bedroom curtain design idea for people who have long windows. However, even if you have small windows you can play around with this idea to give your room a more dramatic look. 


All you have to do is hang your curtains higher as they will give the short windows a more elongated look. 

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Pro Tip: When you are measuring the window, make sure you measure the full length so the curtain drops to the floor without any gaps. 

4. Bring Color to Your Room

Curtains are a great way to bring a pop of color into your room. By just picking the right color of your curtains, you can transform the entire look of a neutrally painted room. While choosing the color for your room’s curtains, you can mix and match the accents of the same color groups present in the room.


You can create a color scheme for your room by playing with colors of the bedding, rugs, sofas, doormats, wall hangings, etc. 

5. Pairing Curtains With a Blind

Pairing curtains with a blind does not mean that you are doing it just to shield the light. You can pair your curtains with blinds to increase privacy, filter out light and upgrade the look of your room.


A blind paired with curtains creates a visual focal point which is timeless yet sophisticated. Of all the bedroom curtain designs techniques, people use this trick to turn an unusual window arrangement into a master centerpiece. 

If you are using this tip, make sure that the fabric of the blind and the curtain complement each other. 

6. Choose the Fabric Correctly

Choosing the fabric of your curtains is another matter of consideration. Some people prefer their room to have a fresh vibe which means rays of sunlight entering the room. Whereas, others prefer a dark room with no light leakages. 


People who like to have a relaxed room vibe should go for mixed or medium-weight linen curtains. These curtains are airy which makes your room look fresh; however, we suggest hanging a blind behind them so that you can get a good night’s sleep. 

Another great option is going for voile curtains as they provide privacy as well as allow light to seep through them. 

On the other hand, those who prefer a complete blackout in their room can line their curtains. 

7. Use Modern Tie Backs

Instead of old-fashioned, fabric-shaped tie backs, choose beaded, woven leather or tasseled tie backs. Tie backs are a great way to update the look of your curtains and consequently, your room.


Which Curtain Is Best for Bedrooms?

It is best if you choose heavy curtains for your room so that less sunlight seeps in but this is not to say that you can’t pick sheer curtains. If you want to, feel free to do so but make sure you hang blinds behind them. 

Should Curtains Be Long or Short?

It all comes down to personal preferences and the size of the window. However, we think that long curtains look more sophisticated and stylish. 

Should Bedroom Curtains Match Your Bedding?

Matching your room curtains with your bedding is a great way to create an overall theme for your room but beware to not overdo it. Too much matching, like the same patterns on your curtains and bedding will make it look out-dated. 

You can play around with the color pallete and choose bedding which complements the curtains. Instead of colors, you can also choose to match textures. 

We hope that this guide will help you choose curtains for your bedroom. Do let us know how you ended up styling your room.

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