Heading up North? Get snow chains because you owe it to your family and friends.
Social media videos of swerving cars on snow in Murree and Nathiagali are dime a dozen nowadays. While they might be fun to watch sitting in your warm and cozy homes, it’s a nightmare scenario for those who are in those cars.
It is not unheard of for cars swerving and sliding down the road into a ditch, injuring and even killing motorists.
Snow chains don’t cost much and in any case you cannot put a price on your life. In this blog, we will also inform you of the snow chains price in Pakistan.
So, if you are thinking of heading somewhere snowy this winter, get snow chains first, know how to put them on (Youtube is full of videos) and only then get ready to have the time of your life.
While the benefits or advantages of putting on snow chains are many, here are a few summarized below:

This is obvious. Once on, it is easier to maneuver the car though at a low speed. This happens when the chains using the weight of the car crush the ice on the road.
Cuts and Turns

Driving on snow is a challenge in itself but it gets really challenging when you are turning. This is because it is hard to keep traction when getting into or coming out of a turn. Snow chains provide you with that traction to come out safely from turns.
Snow Chain Price in Pakistan
If you’re interested in purchasing snow chains, explore the variety available in OLX Pakistan’s listings. You can find them in both new and used conditions, with prices ranging from Rs.4,000 to Rs.10,000. An alternative, more affordable option includes plastic car tire anti-skid snow chains, also listed on our website.
Take Away
The debate between snow chains v winter weather tyres is still on, but it is known that the latter costs a lot more than the former. So, if you want safety and can’t spend a fortune buying four winter weather tyres, you can easily afford tyre chains.
And no. Snow or tyre chains are not the solution to all your snow related problems. For example, these chains are not very effective when you are driving on a tiny amount of snow, or stuck deep down in snow. These chains are meant for an icy road mixed with salt, slushy road conditions.
Once you’ve got the chains, now learn how to put them on. This must be done when you are still home or haven’t left for the snowy vacation spot. You don’t want to watch a YT video while you’re stuck in snow; you may have not downloaded the video and there may be no internet where you are.
To know more about how to keep it safe this winter, read: Top 5 Car Care Tips for Winter
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