Autos,General News

Increased Number Plate Fee in Punjab

Increased Number Plate Fee in Punjab

As if the ever-increasing prices of automobiles in Pakistan wasn’t enough, with the increase in number plate fee, the Punjab government has further jacked up the cost of owning a new vehicle.  Initially, the prices of automobiles made people think twice before purchasing a car but now, the increased cost of number plates is also contributing to the thought process. 

Increased Vehicle number plates fee in Punjab

On 13th August 2021, the Punjab Government had increased the number plate fee which further increased the cost of owning automobiles. Now, the Government of Punjab, Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control Department has issued a notification of prices for Security featured Retro-Reflective Number Plates. The notification was issued on 17th March 2022 with immediate effect. Below are revised number plate fees for Punjab.

VehicleOld Prices (Rs.)New prices (Rs.)
Private Motor Car/Jeep15002000
Semi-Government Motor Car15002000
Government Motor Car16002000
Commercial Vehicle15002000
Private Motorcycle/Scooter10001500
Govt. Motorcycle/Scooter1500
Semi-Govt. Motorcycle/Scooter1500

What is your take on this? Do you think the price increase of number plates is justified? Let us know in the comments below. 

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