
Top 7 Best Cat Foods in Pakistan

Top 7 Best Cat Foods in Pakistan

Your furry friends rely completely on you to be taken care of and fed properly. You may be surrounded by several options when looking for the best cat food in Pakistan. However, it is crucial to know that not all cat foods will fulfill your cat’s nutritious needs. Hence, you must choose the best cat food to keep the nutritional levels of your cat in check.

Here is a list of the best cat food in Pakistan that you can consider buying when feeding your cat.

1. Reflex Cat Food

When looking for the best cat food in Pakistan, Reflex is definitely among those that top the list. Reflex offers multiple food variants that accommodate your pet’s nutritional requirements. Reflex Cat Food is a budget-friendly option without having to compromise on quality. You will get both wet and dry cat food options which are enriched with ingredients like meat and rice. Whether your cat is a grown adult or a little kitten, the high levels of vitamins and minerals packed in the package ensure catering to your cat’s nutritional requirements.

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Reflex Cat Food Price in Pakistan

Reflex is sealed with quality products at an affordable price. It offers multiple cat food products like Reflex Adult Cat Food Chicken and Rice, Reflex Plus Kitten Food Chicken and more. A 2 Kg pack can cost you around Rs.3,800.

2. Royal Canin Cat Food 

Royal Canin cat food is another top brand in the pet food market known globally. It offers a wide range of dry and wet cat food which is tailored according to different cat breed, age, sex, nutritional needs, and other special requirements. Although it tends to be more expensive than the rest, the nutritional value it provides is unmatched. Be it a Siamese or a Persian, Royal Canin guarantees that its fine-quality goods adhere to their growth needs. Hence, marking itself as among the best cat food in Pakistan.

Royal Canin Cat Food Price in Pakistan

Slightly expensive but majorly recommended by veterinarians, you can find the 2 Kg pack of Royal Canin Cat Food in Pakistan at the price of Rs.10,000.

3. NutraGold Cat Food

Formulated with cellulose, taurin, and high protein gathered from different sources, NutraGold cat food provides a balanced diet to your feline friend. Also known as Diamond cat food, it comprises ingredients like chicken, duck, salmon, potatoes, rice, apples, barley, and a lot more which complement each other. 

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The highly nutritious diet helps maintain the level of essentials in the pet’s body. However, it is important to pick out the one that suits your cat best as some cats may not be too well-suited with grains.

NutraGold Cat Food Price in Pakistan

The 1 Kg pack of NutraGold or Diamond cat food in Pakistan can cost you around Rs.4000.

4. Champion Cat Food 

Cat lovers may already be familiar with Champion cat food as it is highly affordable and popular. With chicken as the main ingredient, Champion claims to provide a fulfilling nutritional diet to your cat at a reasonable price. Unlike the formerly mentioned premium brands, Champion may not offer specialized formulas. However, it serves among the best cat food in Pakistan due to its affordable price and decent quality.

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Champion Cat Food Price in Pakistan

The price of a 1.5 Kg pack of Champion cat food in Pakistan is nearly Rs.3,800.

5. Mera Cat Food 

Mera is a well-known pet food brand, primarily for its ultimate focus on the daily nutritional levels of the animals. This brand provides sustainability as it commits to using high-quality products. It is available in both dry and wet options, hence offering a variety in tastes as well. Although some may find it comparatively expensive, those seeking premium quality may opt for Mera cat food.

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Mera Cat Food Price in Pakistan

This cat food can cost up to Rs.4000 in Pakistan for a 1.5 Kg pack.

6. Bonnie Cat Food 

Manufactured with natural premium ingredients like chicken, yeast, and omega 3 and 6, Bonnie cat food provides the essential nutrients needed to keep your cat energetic and playful. Moreover, the fatty acids further proclaim to fulfill the daily nutritional levels of your cat at an affordable price. Bonnie enjoys its place among the best cat food in Pakistan due to its high-quality and affordability.

Bonnie Cat Food Price in Pakistan

The price of a 1.5kg pack of Bonnie cat food is around Rs.3500.

7. NourVet Cat Food 

Lastly, NourVet brings you premium quality cat food which is suitable for all age groups. It increases the cat’s immunity and ensures the fulfillment of daily nutritional requirements. NourVet is free from any artificiality which strengthens its promise to provide high quality. Moreover, its budget-friendliness makes it a great buy and among the best cat food in Pakistan. 

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NourVet Cat Food Price in Pakistan

The price of Nourvet cat food in Pakistan is up to Rs.1100 for 1 Kg.

Different Types of Cat Food in Pakistan

The cat foods can be of different types which include dry cat food. wet cat food, raw cat food and homemade cat food. All are prepared with different ingredients to satisfy the pet’s nutritional needs.

Final Takeaway

In conclusion, these were some of the best cat foods in Pakistan. There is a wide variety of cat food available at OLX and you may get great deals there. Keep in mind that it is important to choose the food that aligns with the daily dietary needs of your cat. Moreover, it is not advised to frequently change your cat’s food. When buying food for your pet, pay attention to some factors like age, breed, activity level, and most importantly your budget before you make a buying decision.

We hope this article was helpful. Which cat food do you think is paw-fect for your furry friend? Tell us in the comments below!

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