
Which Human Foods Are Harmful to Cats?

Which Human Foods Are Harmful to Cats?

Most of us think that cats know which food item is suitable for them. However, it is not always true. There are many human foods poisonous to cats that they don’t refuse to eat. It is important to understand that cats have different nutritional needs as compared to humans.

In the worst cases, some human foods can cause anemia, digestive issues, vitamin deficiencies, or even life-threatening situations for cats. 

Are you one of those cat parents who have fed chocolates and milk to their furry friend? Did you know, your cat can die due to these foods? And there are other food items which we have discussed in this blog. 

After reading this blog, you will be aware of human foods that must not be a part of your cat’s feed. 

1) Onions, Garlic, Chives 

Onions are quite bad for cats as they break down the red blood cells in them. It can cause weakness, breathlessness, or even anemia. 


Chives might not be commonly used in Pakistani cuisines. But if you use them in any dish, don’t feed that dish to your cat as they have the same effect as onions. Garlic also has the same effect on the cats but is much stronger (almost 5 times) in terms of impact. 

All of these items are harmful in both cooked and raw forms. So, avoid giving your leftover meals containing these items to your cat.  

2) Grapes

Many of us know that citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, etc. are harmful to cats. Grapes are also citrus and can badly affect a cat’s digestive system. Small quantities can upset their stomach whereas large quantities or frequent consumption can cause diarrhea and vomiting. In severe cases, it can also lead to kidney failure and also affect the central nervous system. Raisins have the same effect as grapes. 


Some cats don’t get affected by them but still, it is better not to feed them with grapes or raisins. 

3) Chocolate

Most of us want our pet cats to taste what we like the most. Therefore, many make the mistake of giving them chocolates. Chocolates contain methylxanthines and theobromine compounds in them which can poison cats. Diarrhea, muscle rigidity, vomiting, weakness, and rapid breathing are the common symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats. Some people make a mixture of chocolate and milk and feed it to their cats, which is equally harmful. So, it is better to avoid feeding chocolates as it is a toxic food for cats.


4) Caffeine

Both tea and coffee contain caffeine which can be poisonous for cats. This is especially true when fed in large quantities or frequently fed. Symptoms include rapid breathing, muscle tremors, restlessness, and even heart palpitations. 


So, don’t give tea and coffee to your pet cat. 

5) Bones (Fat Trimmed)

Many cat parents like to throw a leftover bone to their furry friend. This is not recommended. The sharp small bone pieces can cause cuts inside their throat and digestive system. Moreover, the fats left on the bones are also harmful to the cats. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea. 


6) Raw Eggs

Just because an egg and milk mixture gives you an energy boost doesn’t mean that you should feed it to your cat when it’s feeling down. Some even feed their cats raw eggs without mixing milk. Both are not good practices.


Raw eggs might be contaminated with the Salmonella bacteria, which can cause digestive problems. Also, raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin that blocks the absorption of “biotin”. It is a vitamin important for skin health. 

7) Uncooked or Half-Cooked Meats

Uncooked meats contain bacteria. Some people like eating half-cooked meats especially in steak form. Do you know half or uncooked fish that many think is healthy is not so healthy. Especially in cats where this practice can destroy thiamine (Essential Vitamin B) which can lead to neurological problems (convulsions or coma). 


8) Nuts

Almonds, peanuts, and other types of nuts are commonly consumed during winters. Some people feed them to their cats believing they will give them strength. However, nuts are in the list of foods poisonous to cats due to their high-fat content. They might cause lethargy, vomiting, and tremors in your pet cat.


Also, some items (chocolates, biscuits, etc.) might contain nuts in them. So, be careful about those products and avoid feeding them to your cat.

9) Milk

We all know that milk is the favorite drink of cats. It might be true in some cases. But some cats are intolerant to lactose (a compound found in the milk). So, they cannot process dairy food including milk, cheese, etc. So, if you see anything unusual in your pet cat after giving it milk then it is better to avoid it. Common symptoms are vomiting, indigestion, and diarrhea. 


10) Liver

The pros and cons of feeding liver to your cat are debatable. It may be okay to feed them liver in small quantities, but it is dangerous when consumed in large quantities or on a regular basis. It can lead to vitamin A toxicity that can affect bone health. This toxicity can also cause death in severe cases. 


11) Human Medicines

It’s a misconception that human medicines work equally well for cats. It is important to note that these medicines are tested for human use. There can be unknown side effects in animals that might even lead to severe health problems in cats. So, always consult a vet if your cat is ill.


Many people don’t have any idea what is harmful to cats. It is the reason why most of them feed human foods to them without even knowing their effects on the cat’s health. This blog contains some of the most common human foods poisonous to cats. You can buy cat food or make pet food at home as per your convenience.

Which human food do you mostly give to your cat? Tell us in the comment section below.

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