Having that butterflies in your stomach feeling after falling in love with a car but not knowing who actually its owner is now has a solution. The days of queuing outside your local Excise and Taxation office or “tipping a tout” outside it are gone. You can now check a car’s, motorcycle’s and other vehicle’s real owner’s credentials online all by yourself from the comfort of your home. And it’s free.
With the online car registration check service, you will know who the owner of the car is, particulars of its previous owners, if any and additional information on:
- Registration number
- Owner’s father’s name
- Name of the city in which the car is registered
- Token tax payment history
- Car’s engine number
- Car’s make and model
- Registration date
- Year of manufacture
- Car’s price (the price its current owner paid to buy it)
- Color
- Token tax paid up to
- Vehicle application tracking information
Through the process of digitizing, checking car registration online may have been streamlined, however it is not universalized across Pakistan. Each province has its own relevant website for this purpose and we are laying province wise information below.
Islamabad online car registration check
Verifying a car’s registration details in Islamabad is simple and quick. Just follow these steps:
- Visit http://www.islamabadexcise.gov.pk/
- From the main page click on Vehicle Registration and then click on Check Vehicle Detail.
- Simply key in Registration Number and Registration Date and click Check.
- You’ll see the details you need.
Online car registration check in Lahore and Punjab
Like in Islamabad, checking car registration details in Punjab and Lahore are equally simple and quick. Simply follow these steps:
- Visit https://mtmis.excise.punjab.gov.pk/
- Once you are on the main page, key in Vehicle Number as prescribed in the image and check “I’m not a robot”
- Once you have correctly entered the car’s number plate number, you’ll see this screen with these details:

- Now you have all the information you need about the car.
Online car registration check in Sindh
To check a car’s registration related information in Karachi, Hyderabad and other cities of Sindh, simply visit this website:
- https://excise.gos.pk/vehicle/vehicle_search.
- You’ll see this screen.
- The rest is easy. Simply enter the car’s registration number and check “I’m not a robot”. Now click Search.
- On the next screen, you’ll find the car’s registration related information.
Online car registration check in KPK
To check a car’s registration in Peshawar and other cities and areas of KPK, simply visit this website:
- https://www.kpexcise.gov.pk/mvrecords/
- You’ll see this screen
- Now click on “District” and select the district in which the car is registered.
- Next click on “Registered”.
- Now enter the car’s “Registration No.” and click Search.
Online car registration check in Balochistan
An online facility for car registration check in Balochistan is not available at the moment. Though the provincial government may be in the process of building one. Till then, you’ll have to do it the traditional way.
How to check for stolen cars?
While car registration process is not universalized across Pakistan, thankfully you can check whether a car is stolen or not anywhere in Pakistan by sending a text or SMS to 8521.
Stolen Vehicle Identification System (SVIS)
Simply send the vehicle’s chassis number to 8521 in the following manner:
- CNO ABCXXXXX to 8521
You will get a reply (stolen/recovered) shortly, along with the following information:
- Vehicle’s registration number
- Vehicle’s engine number, and
- Vehicle’s chassis number
The days of getting duped by fraudulent sellers are over. Now you don’t have to believe those silver tongued car sales agents, dealers and owners. Do your own due diligence. It’s easy and it’s free. All you need is an internet connection. Get a car’s complete registration details online for free by following the steps listed above in this guide.
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