Nurturing your pets is one of the most important things to do. If you own a dog, with time restraining its behavior would become necessary. Pets tend to be territorial and become difficult to contain if not trained properly. Accommodating pets is also expensive, here are a few easy do it yourself ideas to build kennels at home.

Children are recommended to build kennels under supervision and not undertake any dangerous construction tasks. In order to execute the ideas below and build a kennel for your dog some simple tools are required. The tools include a hammer, scissors, wood planks, nails, adhesives, measuring tape, paint and brushes.

Before building a kennel, decide where it has to be located. Indoor and outdoor locations need different measurements, the aesthetics and weather conditions also vary. Providing a safe and clean environment to your pets is essential and can keep them healthy. Also it can help in controlling animal aggression as it confines the dog to a designated place. This is a guide to two basic types of do it yourself kennel ideas.

1. Indoor Kennel
Indoor accommodation for dogs requires less space, has to be in line with your furniture and also depends on the breed of your dog. Kennels which are indoors might limit the activity of your dog, pet toys and accessories should be placed in the kennel so the dog is motivated to stay in the kennel. An indoor kennel does not need concrete and can be easily made with iron fences. The first step is to determine the size of the kennel you want. It can be built with cut out wooden planks or iron fences. Measure the side panels according to the height of your dog and make sure to give ample space to your dog to stand up easily.
Movement should not be restricted to the extent that your dog becomes tired. A roof is not recommended for an indoor dog house because it is suffocating and isolates the animal. To help your dog enjoy the environment, interact with everyone in the house but also be restrained to avoid any trouble a roofless dog house should be built. Paint it according to the ambience of your house and you are good to go.

2. Outdoor Kennel
Giving your pets room to move around and breathe in fresh air is always a good idea. This reduces chances of aggression that would have resulted due to a closed environment. Outdoor kennels require more detailing, the weather conditions have to be kept in mind before constructing it. To protect your dog from excessive sun exposure and heat, a roof is recommended. After marking the dimensions, you have to decide whether a concrete floor is required or not.If a concrete floor has to be made, you might need to take help from a professional. If not, you can add bedding for added comfort. Pet toys and food trays should be placed in the dog house to encourage the animal to make use of the space. The kennel should be airy to provide proper ventilation to your pets.
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