
Moringa Benefits and Side Effects: Why is It Called a Miracle Tree?

Moringa Benefits and Side Effects: Why is It Called a Miracle Tree?

Moringa aka Moringa oleifera is a miraculous plant native to South Asia which has been used due to its health benefits since ancient times. It contains minerals, vitamins, and many other compounds vital for human health. Due to moringa benefits and its vast popularity, many people buy moringa powder, leaves, capsules, extracts, pods, and other related items. 

Reading only about the moringa or sohanjna benefits is not enough. So, we have gathered some of the most praised benefits as well as moringa side effects or risks to help you learn more about it. 

Sohanjna / Moringa Benefits

Here are some of the most important benefits of moringa. 


Excellent Source of Vitamins & Minerals

Moringa (Sohanjna) is an excellent source of many important vitamins like Vitamin B6, A, C, & Riboflavin (B2).

It does not only contain vitamins but also vital minerals and compounds like

  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

It is no less than a bliss for people in developing nations like Pakistan as the diet of most locals lacks these vital nutrients. Remember that the minerals and vitamins mentioned above have been found in freshly chopped moringa leaves. Their amount may be lower in the powdered form or the capsules available in the market. 

May Help in Some Gastric Issues

Moringa extracts are reported to help with stomach problems. constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis are the most common disorders in which the extracts from plants can help. Also, its antibiotic and antibacterial properties may reduce or halt the growth of various pathogens. Vitamin B it contains is also beneficial for digestion.


Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar levels can be extremely dangerous, especially if they remain high over a period of time. As per several studies, Moringa (Sohanjna) can help lower blood sugar levels. Most of the evidence is based on animal studies while some human studies also suggest the same. 


One study on women concluded that taking 1.5 teaspoons (7 grams) of moringa leaf powder daily for 3 months may reduce blood sugar levels (fasting) by nearly 13%. 

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidant properties are among the major moringa benefits. It comes with Quercetin and Chlorogenic acid which is excellent antioxidants. Even taking 1.5 tablespoons (7g) of moringa leaf powder can increase the antioxidants significantly in our blood. These antioxidants combat the harmful free radicals in our body that are associated with the heart and many other major diseases.

Helpful to Combat Anemia

We know that 21g moringa contains 11% of the daily recommended amount of iron. Anemia is the deficiency of Iron. So, this plant can help combat iron deficiency leading to a fight against anemia.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Moringa doesn’t only have antioxidative properties but also anti-inflammatory properties. It is due to the isothiocyanates compound found in its leaves, pods and seeds. It is important to note that the studies are only conducted in labs on animals and test tubes where the results were positive. We cannot say anything about if it will have the same impact on humans. 

May Lower Cholesterol

Do you know that the raised total cholesterol affects approximately 39% of adults globally? It is a reality as the World Health Organization and World Heart Federation, both have reported similar numbers. 


Cholesterol is associated with many major diseases and mainly affects heart health. Fortunately, plant foods like flaxseeds, oats, almonds, etc. can help in reducing it. Now, moringa is also included in this list as different animal and human studies show that this plant can also help reduce cholesterol effectively. 

Beneficial for Skin and Hair

Moringa benefits the skin and hair due to its protein content in it as well as its antioxidant properties. Protein in it helps protect the skin cells from damage whereas the antioxidant properties in moringa seed oil help protect hair against free radicals and keep it healthy. It also has hydrating and detoxifying properties that are beneficial for skin and hair. As per a report, moringa can be used for curing skin infections and sores.


Read more: 9 Foods For Hair Growth

Fight Against Bacterial Diseases

Moringa extracts are reported to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Due to this, it may help fight against infections caused by the following.

  • Salmonella (A bacteria that commonly cause disease that affects the intestinal tract)
  • Rhizopus (A genus of common saprophytic fungi that can cause localized and disseminated mucormycosis. Sinusitis and pneumonia are the most common types of infection with it)
  • E. coli (A bacteria that may cause serious food poisoning)

Lower the Blood Pressure

Do you know that High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is among the leading preventable risk factors for heart diseases? It affects an estimated 1.3 billion worldwide and kills around 10 million people every year. 


Thickening of blood vessels can cause blood pressure to increase so stopping them from thickening helps in lowering the blood pressure. Fortunately, there are specific compounds like isothiocyanate and niaziminin in moringa that help in stopping arteries from thickening. As a result, it helps in lowering blood pressure.

Reduce Fatigue

Moringa extracts are helpful in treating mood disorders. As per a report, it can help treat fatigue, anxiety, and depression. On top of that, they also improve energy levels which may help people feel better than before.


Moringa / Sohanjna Side Effects (Risks)

We have learned about the benefits. Now is the time to understand the side effects of moringa. Before we tell you about its side effects, it is important to mention that you should always consult with a doctor before you start taking any medication (either herbal or modern drugs). Although moringa has many benefits, you should still consult with a doctor before you start using it for a specific purpose. Especially if you are taking any medication before or have any disease. 

Should Not Be Taken With Thyroid Medication

If you are taking any medicine to improve thyroid function, it is better to avoid moringa. It is because compounds in the moringa leaf may help improve thyroid function. And if you use it with another medication that does the same, it may disturb the thyroid gland more. 

Be Careful If You Have Diabetes

As we told you that moringa can help lower blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes and are taking any medication for it, taking moringa along with the medicine may lower the blood sugar levels more than normal levels. So, consult your doctor before starting to use moringa to regulate blood sugar levels if you are a diabetic. 

Don’t Use Along With Blood Pressure Medication

We have already told you that moringa helps lower blood pressure. If you are already taking any medicine to reduce, taking moringa along with it may result in too low blood pressure. So, always ask your doctor before you start taking moringa to control high blood pressure. 

Facts About Moringa / Sohanjna

Curious to know more about moringa? Here are some interesting facts about it.

sohanjna- benefits
  • Moringa leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges.
  • Moringa is also known as “Sohanjna” in Subcontinent (Pakistan & India)
  • Each moringa flower has five thin delicate and extremely soft petals.
  • Moringa leaves can be kept (dry or frozen) for a long time without losing nutrients.
  • The young moringa flowers have a better texture and taste.
  • Its leaves have 15 times more potassium than bananas. 
  • The Moringa oleifera is very easy to cultivate.
  • The moringa plant has long drumstick-shaped pods.
  • All parts of the moringa have essential nutrients and are eaten or used in multiple medicines (modern and traditional / herbal).
  • It contains approx. 10 times more vitamin a than carrot.
  • Moringa is also used for asthma.
  • The Moringa oleifera genus has around 13 species all over the globe.


Moringa is not just an ordinary plant that has gained popularity due to its use in traditional medicine. It is a miracle tree that has many scientifically proven benefits for human health. We have mentioned moringa benefits and side effects to help you understand its importance. But remember that you should always consult a doctor before you start taking any herb or medicine for medical or other purposes.

Do you know any plant or herb that provides exceptional health benefits? Tell us in the comment section below.

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