
8 Things to Consider When Hiring Domestic Help in Pakistan

8 Things to Consider When Hiring Domestic Help in Pakistan

Hiring domestic help is a common trend in Pakistan for most households. A culture which supports the trend of breeding large families or living in a joint family, can place a hefty burden on the housewives regarding household chores including cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, washing dishes and ironing clothes. 

Hence, hiring domestic help in Pakistan can do a great deal of benefit to you to manage your household responsibilities sharedly. While there are many options available regarding domestic help out there, it is important to make a careful decision.

1. Specify Your Household Needs

First of all, it is important to understand the tasks you need assistance with from the domestic help service. These might include cleaning services, cooking, childcare, or elder care. Clarifying your specific requirements helps you find a housekeeper who can meet your expectations effectively.  Moreover, interview them to assess their skills and compatibility with your household.

2. Use a Reliable Source

You may have heard of many cases of robberies in Pakistan throughout the years which were carried out with the involvement and support of the domestic helpers. Therefore, it is highly advised to choose the domestic helper from a reliable source. You can rely on referrals from your friends, family, neighbors or attain domestic help services at OLX to find candidates with proven reliability. 

3. Verify Identity

For a more secure hiring, conduct a thorough background check for the domestic help through multiple sources before you hire them. Make sure they carry a valid CNIC along with them. Do not merely rely on verbal assurance with someone you are entrusting your home with. It is also recommended to register them at the nearest police station in case an unfortunate situation arises.

4. Say ‘No’ to Child Labour

Before you say yes to any domestic help, make sure that the candidate is above the age of 18. Although young help is sought to be more energetic and helpful, hiring domestic helpers below the age of 18 is illegal. Therefore, you should avoid this practice in order to avoid committing a felony.

5. Follow Hygiene Standards

Your domestic helper will have access to the intimate household chores and places including the kitchen, the cabinets and the bedroom. Thus, their hygiene should be one of your top concerns, especially for tasks involving food preparation or child and elderly care. 

It is important that their hygiene practice standards should meet yours. Otherwise, this may raise cleanliness and health concerns for your beloved ones. Furthermore, confirm their health status to safeguard your household against potential health risks.

6. Interview Them: Trust Your Gut

Another important thing to consider while hiring domestic help is to interview the candidate directly and observe them carefully. Ask them direct questions about their former experiences and their family background, tell them about your expectations openly. Moreover, you should clearly outline their duties, expected work hours, and any household rules or preferences you have beforehand and see if they agree.

7. Trial Period

If the candidate passes the interview, the next step is to hire them on a short trial period to see if their work ethics align with your expectations. Also, do not trust anyone blindly and give them their duties all at once, rather keep a check on them. And, try not to leave your personal belongings out as it can tempt them. Take your time in taking this important decision. Trust your gut and you will be fine.

8. Treat With Kindness: Don’t Underpay

 Lastly, be kind. do not underpay. The domestic helpers make things easier for you by dividing your share of responsibilities among them. Therefore, don’t take their lending hand for granted and pay them what they deserve. Keep in mind the labor laws regarding wages, their workload and working hours. Respect their rights and create a supportive workplace that values their contributions.

You can easily avail domestic help services from OLX at different prices in Pakistan to help you with the household chores.  

The Takeaway

In conclusion, hiring domestic help in Pakistan can streamline household management and improve your overall quality of life. However, it requires careful planning to ensure that you find a competent and trustworthy housekeeper who efficiently carries out the tasks in your home. By following these steps, acquiring domestic help services can become easy.

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