
Top 10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Monsoon-Ready in Pakistan

Top 10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Monsoon-Ready in Pakistan

While the mid-year torrential rains are loved for providing a break from the hottest summer period of the year, they bring along several troubles as well. Thanks to drainage systems all over Pakistan, the monsoon season invites some unwanted troubles as well. The roads become a lot difficult to drive on in the rainy season, and can even put your vehicle at risk. Here are some car safety tips to protect your car during the monsoon season.

1. Check Car Tires

One of the essentials to protect your car from the rainy season is to carefully check your tire shape and tread to prevent cars from sliding on the wet and muddy road. If the tires are not in a good condition, they can cause hydroplaning of your car on wet roads. Therefore, you should buy new car tires for your car before they turn harmful for you.  

You may also shift to proper rain tires or all-weather tires for enhanced protection of your car. Moreover, make sure to maintain proper tire pressure in all four of them to abstain from skidding and to improve the fuel efficiency.

Read more about How to Check Tyre’s Life & also about How to Find the Manufacturing Date of a Tyre?

2. Keep a Check on The Car Lights

Car lights become a necessity under heavy rains even during the daylight. Make sure your headlights, tail lights, brake lights and hazard lights are all in working condition. Monsoon season’s reduced visibility on the road requires you to turn your car lights on, otherwise it could cause accidents. Hence, you should keep checking them from time to time. If you are looking to buy lights for your car, visit OLX.

3. Maintain The Brake System

Unfortunately, the wet roads pose a serious danger to the car’s braking system as the grip on the road lessens due to the rain. Due to reduced grip, more pressure is applied on the brakes which may cause wear and tear.

Hence, it is important to ensure that the brake pads, brake oil and discs are in the right condition before setting off to drive in the monsoon season. Additionally, fulfill the oil and fluid requirements of the car so the performance and safety of the vehicle is not affected. 

For a professional opinion, you may also consider booking OLX Car Inspection.

4. Change Wiper Blades 

The visibility of the car windscreen should not be compromised at all during the heavy rainfall. So, another important car safety tip for monsoon season is to check the windshield wipers and change them if their rubber is worn-out. Cleaning your windscreen using suitable cleaning products and quality wipers is essential to have a clear vision.

5. Check Car AC 

Furthermore, remember to change your air filter so that the car air conditioner keeps working efficiently. The temperature difference inside and outside the car can cause your windows to become misty, impairing your visibility. However, car ACs are highly significant during the monsoon season as they help to remove fog inside the car during the rain. The defogging is necessary to ensure a clear vision while driving.

6. Check Car Battery 

The monsoon season in Pakistan means heavy traffic jams on the roads. This may lead to being stuck on the road for hours which can severely impact a weakened battery. Moreover, it is hardly possible to keep your batteries dried while driving through heavy rains and standing waters so it is essential that the battery-wires are insulated properly. Therefore, keep a check and buy a new battery if needed.

7. Protect Your Car From Rust

Monsoon season can be harmful for your car’s body. The rain water may even be acidic in nature causing your car to rust even quickly. To protect your car from damage, you can consider giving it a good wax polish to keep the dirt and water stains away from the body. Otherwise, they may leave a mark and damage the paint of your car. Moreover, you can buy car coatings and apply them at home or you can get car coating or waxing services from OLX.

Read more: The Magic of Glass Coating: Keep Your Car Shiny

8. Keep an Emergency Car Tool Kit

It can not be stressed enough how important it is to carry an emergency tool kit along with you! Your car tool kit should include a spare tyre and jack, tyre inflator, jumper cables, flashlight, duct tape, screwdriver and first aid box. In case your car breaks down or you meet with an accident, the emergency kit can be your life-savior.

Read more: What Should You Keep in Your Car At All Times?

9. Avoid Puddles

Although it may not be entirely possible to steer clear of standing waters during the monsoon season, try your best to take the route with lesser water on the roads as it can be highly risky. You never know what is underneath the water. The rain water can make the roads weak and may even dig a hole in them. 

Hence, to avoid the potential risk of falling in a pothole and damaging your car, take the alternate road even if it is longer than the usual route. Moreover, avoid driving your car in service lanes and seek to remain in the center lane on the main road.

10. Drive Slow and Careful

Lastly, take caution when you set out to drive in the rain. Even if the roads are empty, be mindful and drive slow. The rainy weather can make the roads highly slippery, so drive carefully for your own safety and for others.


To conclude, monsoon season can be hazardous for your cars and other property. By following these car safety tips, you can ensure your car is well-prepared to handle the challenges of driving during the monsoon season in Pakistan. Your life is precious so stay safe out there!

What do you think about these car safety tips? Are you ready for the monsoon season?

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