
Hijama Therapy Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Hijama Therapy Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Cupping or Hijama (in Arabic) is an ancient medical therapy used to treat conditions related to blood flow, inflammation, pain relief, and relaxation. The British Cupping Society states that cupping or Hijama therapy can be used to treat anxiety and depression, migraines, high blood pressure, skin conditions such as acne, gynecological disorders, arthritis, and blood disorders such as hemophilia and anemia. It has other uses too.

While there aren’t many extensive studies done on Hijama, it is considered fairly safe and without major side effects.  

What is Hijama Therapy?

As stated above, cupping therapy isn’t new. Matter of fact, ancient Egyptians used it as far back as 1,550 B.C. It was commonly used in Chinese and other Middle Eastern cultures as well.

At the heart of Hijama lies a therapist who puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. These suction cups are made of glass, silicone, earthenware and bamboo. 

Types of Hijama

There are two types of cupping therapy:

  1. Wet
  2. Dry 

In both wet and dry Hijama, the therapist heats the cup by putting either alcohol, paper, or herbs on fire. Once the fire goes out, the therapist puts the cup upside down on your skin for about three minutes. As the cup cools down, it creates a vacuum, making your skin rise. The red spots you see during cupping are due to this. As the skin rises, your blood vessels expand.  

However, the main difference in wet and dry cupping is that in the former the therapist after removing the cup makes tiny cuts on your skin using a scalpel. Then another cup is inverted on the area, drawing a small quantity of blood. The therapist would then either use a bandage or an ointment to prevent infection. It usually takes the skin around 10 days to look normal again. 

Hijama in Islam

There are mutiple references to Hijama in Islam. According to a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:

Indeed there is a cure in it (Hijama) – Sahih Muslim 2205

There is a cure in three things; the slash of a cupper or drinking honey or cauterization with fire, and I forbid my nation from cauterization – Sahih Al-Bukhari 5681

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of cupping though in Islam only wet cupping is mentioned in the Sunnah. 

Top 5 Hijama Benefits in Islam

The following are some of the many benefits of Hijama:

  1. Pain Relief – Hijama improves blood circulation helping in stiff neck and shoulder conditions. Also, Hijama can help with arthritis pain, headache and migraines, etc.
  1. Respiratory Conditions – Hijama can help with chest congestion, cough and asthma conditions, etc. 
  1. Chronic Fatigue – Even if you are physically rested, you may be mentally tired due to information overflow. Hijama can help with chronic fatigue syndrome. 
  1. Benefits for Men – Hijama is about better blood circulation, which can help males with infertility issues. 
  1. Benefits for Women – Like men, Hijama can help women with infertility issues.  

Hijama Price in Pakistan

If you are interested in this therapy, do check out our Hijama in Pakistan listings. The service charge of a Hijama therapist or specialist will vary, depending upon his/her expertise, qualifications, fame, availability, and location, etc.

Cupping or Hijama is not supposed to be painful, though you may feel slight discomfort or itching in your very first session. To make it a comfortable and fruitful experience, only hire the services of Hijama specialists. 

Have you had Hijama? Share your experience and tips with fellow readers here in the comments section. 

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