Did you know toys and games are not only the fun part of childhood but also have numerous effects on child development. Prof. Jeffrey Trawick-Smith, an expert on early childhood education believes different toys impact the kids’ behavior in different ways. And guess what, children can learn many things from toys while playing with them. And this is true for non-educational toys as well.
In this blog, we will discuss the impact of toys on children. Also, we will show the list of kids learning toys for different age groups.
So, let’s start.
Kids Learning
There’s no denying that toys are an integral part of a child’s learning. Toys and games not only impact the learning of school-age children but also the preschool children. There are many toys that teach about the recognition of colors, alphabets, numbers, shapes, etc. The most common ones are,

ABC Blocks: To teach alphabets
Math toys: To teach numbers
Kids learning from toys can recognize shapes, numbers, etc. faster as compared to the kids who learn them from books later on at school.
Social Skills and Emotions
Many toys like puzzles, board games, building blocks, etc. encourage children to interact with others. Kids learn teamwork, problem solving, leadership, and many other skills.

You will find many stuffed toys and dolls that have sad, happy, furious, and other facial expressions. These types of toys help children understand different types of emotions and how to express them.
Cognitive Skills
Well, if you want your child to be sharp and mentally strong, one thing you can do is to pick the right toys for him/her. Puzzles, building blocks, math games, etc. help develop cognitive skills in kids. A child’s brain develops fastest at an early age. So, these toys help the brain adopt problem solving strategies right when the brain is still in the development phase. As a result, the kid is more likely to learn advanced problem solving skills in future.

Career Choices
It might be surprising for many but the toys your kid plays with today can influence their career choices tomorrow. For example, if your kids play with firefighting, police, and ambulance toys, that shows that they like to help others and may opt for similar careers when they grow up.

If he/she is Interested in construction toys, it means he/she is creative and can structure his/her thoughts at the same time.
Parent-Child Bond
It is true that toys, especially the ones that need to be played in a team, can strengthen the parent-child bond.
If you are more affectionate, loving, caring, helping, and interactive during play time, your bond with your child is going to be stronger and positive. If you only tend to instruct, control, and criticize your kid, your bond is going to be weaker and negative.

So, you can buy toys that will help you and your child come closer. A strong parent-child bond formed early is likely to last for a very long time.
Toys Shape Personality
Children that love to play with guns are likely to have violent tendencies when they grow up. On the contrary, kids that mostly play with puzzles, construction, and educational toys are more calm, sharp minded, and have non-violent attitudes.

So, keep an eye on your kid’s toy selection. If you cannot completely remove a specific toy from your child, limit its play time.
Promote Physical Activity
Some parents complain about their kids being lazy as they seldom go out and play. Instead, they prefer to play video games, etc. Instead of shouting and pressuring your kid to go out and play, bring toys and games that promote physical activity. It is a fun way to keep your kids physically active and fit that would also develop vital motor skills.

For this purpose, you can buy the following or many other outdoor toys.
Types of Toys and their Impact on Kids
Now that the impact of different types of toys on child development is known, it is time to learn about toy types and how they impact the kids.
Educational toys
As the name suggests, educational toys are all about learning. Kids learn language, math, and many other things with these toys. The best examples are ABC Blocks, kids’ piano, and puzzle games, etc.

Click to buy educational toys in Pakistan.
Animal toys
Animal toys also play a vital role in developing the cognitive abilities of kids. Due to them, children can differentiate between different types of animals without even seeing them in reality. Also, you can teach the kids which animal is dangerous and which is harmless by using them.

Click to buy animal toys in Pakistan.
Girls more than boys tend to play with dolls. Playing with dolls helps them learn about bathing, grooming, changing clothes, and many other things. Later on in life, it helps them become responsible mothers.

Construction Toys
Many of us know about construction toys as they are one of the most popular toys among the kids. But do you know that they can actually make your kids creative?

Construction toys are multi-purpose most of the time with which kids can run their imagination wild. Also, they help in teaching them how to be focused and concentrate on different things. The best examples of these types of toys are building blocks, construction trucks, fort building kits, etc.
Click to buy construction toys in Pakistan.
Unlike old times, when toys were purely meant for amusement purposes, nowadays, they serve a variety of purposes. They can also shape your kid’s personality, so be careful what your kid plays with.
Selecting the right type of toy can teach them the right skills, which would go on to help them select their future career paths. In this blog, we’ve shown how different types of toys can impact your kids in different ways.
What are your thoughts on toys? Which types of toys do you think are the best for the development of a child? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
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