Your cat loves you unconditionally, it is the ultimate stress-reliever by the end of every hectic day. All in exchange of what? Yes, we are talking about treats. Your furry fellow needs a little bribe every now and then. Everyone knows who’s the crowned head when a cat is in the house. If you want to prevent anarchy, learn how to take care of their tummies.
These simple dos and don’ts of cat feed will bring happier days, your cat passes without knocking the glass off the table.

Cats love meat
We know you are an environmentalist. You keenly want to protect the ecosystem. You regularly follow news and want to sign up for voluntary conservation programs. Sorry to break it to you, your cat doesn’t care about any of it. Yes! You heard it right. Now don’t blame those crash courses that are not designed for cats.
Unlike you, your cat can never become a vegetarian. So, less grappling, and more meat. Your cat needs a healthy amount of taurine amino acid and that’s how meaty platters come to aid. Boiled beef, chicken, fish and turkey are your cat’s best friends.

Keep your cat hydrated
Your little feline fellow needs to stay hydrated to keep it going. Cats love their water tap cold. Spread out a few dishes filled with water in your house. Your cat requires to stop-by these mini-bars several times a day.

Cat food is the way to go!
Your cat is a person in its own right. Just like humans fall in love with read-made munchies, your cat can also stumble upon those colorful packets of cat food. This is why you should prefer not taking your cat for cat food shopping, they can get too excited! Try getting them probiotic formulas. Keep a close check, a greedy cat can become super fat overnight!

Add wholegrains in the platter
We all need a diet plan and so do our cats. Every once in a while, fill your cat’s platter with wholegrains, brown rice, oats and corn meals. Cook them up to create an attractive texture. There will be lesser chances of your cat refusing your efforts.

Keep dog food 100 miles away
The age-old rivalry of cat and dog can cause serious trouble! Keep your cat away from dog food. Their tummies will never welcome it. Dog food has no taurine acid. No matter how mouth-watering it appears to your cat, it can cause heart problems regardless.

No chocolates
Chocolates and candies are a big NO for cats! Don’t let your generous friends or family tempt them with chocolates. Stash away your munchies in a cabinet for precaution.

Milk is not always a good idea
What they showed in cartoons is a myth. Don’t let your adult cat get high on milk. Lactose intolerance can trouble them later.
Last but not the least, consult a vet for making a customized age-appropriate diet plan and thank us later!
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