Maintaining work-life balance is perhaps one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century.
Despite knowing working out is beneficial, there are many who don’t or can’t workout on a regular basis for a variety of reasons – hectic daily routine being one.
All is not lost however as you can have a gym of your own at home. But even that is not enough since if you don’t know which gym or training equipment is meant for which part of the body, there is no point in having training equipment at home.
In this blog, you’ll find detailed information on equipment for cardio, strength and flexibility. Let’s start with cardio first.
Best for cardio
Losing weight requires dedication and commitment. Cardio exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight. Cardio exercises coupled with a weight loss diet plan can make a difference. Below are some training equipment that you can use for cardio at your home, office or gym.
1. Exercise Bicycle

It’s a static cycle that you can pedal like a normal bicycle. You can select the resistance levels on this bicycle, which means you can train harder or lighter based on your level of activity.
A stationary bicycle not only improves your fitness through cardio but it also improves the muscles in your lower body and stomach.
Cycling is an all-time favorite cardio exercise due to its high efficacy and less space occupancy. You can find some used and new exercise bicycles on OLX Classifieds.
2. Treadmill

The treadmill enables you to run or walk while staying indoors. These cardio machines can be manual or motorized. The motorized ones come with many accessibility features like speed adjustments, reclining features and exercise data like calories burnt, lap time and maximum speed, etc.
The treadmill mainly works on cardio and lower body movements. These also improve your calves, stomach muscles and gluteus if you incline it.
When buying a treadmill, make sure it has a long belt for easy running, side rails for support, an emergency stop button and a sturdy build. Find some of the used and new Treadmills on OLX Classifieds.
3. Jump ropes

Jumping ropes is one of the fastest ways to shed off those extra calories you’ve been relentlessly consuming. All you have to do is jump through the ropes while swinging it. You should avoid jumping ropes on carpet, grass or concrete as it can cause your ankle to twist.
It’s an all in one exercise for a good number of muscles in your body including shoulders, calves, glutes and quads, arms and the core. The plus side is it’s a fun thing to do.
You can use any rope to swing and hop, but it’s advised to use jump ropes as they are curated explicitly for this purpose. Find some used and new jump ropes on OLX Classifieds.
4. Rowing machine

The rowing machine works on the basic rowing phenomenon while some resistance or weight is applied to it. The user has to push two oarlike handlebars while sitting on a movable seat. The footrest is fixed, which also acts as a support when pulling the handlebars while sliding the seat away.
This machine works on all three types of muscle in your body at the same time. It works on lower body muscles, upper body muscles and the core muscles. It’s a very effective cardio and core strength exercise.
The rowing machine is readily available in new and used conditions on the OLX classifieds.
Best for strength
1. Elliptical trainers

The mode of training on these machines is much like the stationary bicycle. The difference is that the user has to stand on the footrests while gripping the rows to walk and run.
It’s a low-impact aerobic activity, so it won’t be hard on patients with joint pain. Elliptical trainers are often considered an alternative to running or jogging for patients with joint pains.
On top of all that, it burns lots of calories depending upon the intensity of your workout. You can increase the resistance on elliptical trainers for more vigorous exercise.
This machine targets explicitly upper and lower body muscles. You can find both new and used options for elliptical trainers on OLX Classifieds.
2. Dumbbells

These are the most common exercise equipment. Dumbbells are used to perform various exercises depending on posture, level of activity and weight. The specific motion of dumbbells can increase biceps and triceps development. There is a lot of room to play with dumbbells to improvise muscle growth in the upper body including stomach and shoulders.
Dumbbells primarily deal with the growth of upper body muscles. This handy exercise equipment comes in various forms and weights. Find some used and new dumbbells on OLX Classifieds.
3. Resistance bands

These lightweight and low-cost equipment can be used for a full-body workout. You can use your weight as resistance when using these tension bands. Simply place your feet closer to each other and put one end of the band on your feet. Now pull the bands upwards or any other motion to focus a particular set of muscles.
These bands work much like dumbbells to strengthen your muscles. Change the variation of pulling these bands, and you will instantly be targeting a completely different set of muscles. It’s that versatile.
Resistance bands come in several grades and shapes; choose the ones you prefer. You can find plenty of resistance bands on OLX Classifieds.
4. All in one sit up and pull up bar

With the help of nuts and bolts, you can attach this bar anywhere you want. People usually fix it above the door or hallway. Once installed, you can simply grab it and do pull-ups. You can also place it on the ground, stick your feet in the grabber and vola! Do your sit-ups on the floor.
Such exercises work on your upper body and stomach muscles. Here are some pull up bars listed on OLX classifieds.
Best for flexibility
1. Gym/exercise balls

Gym balls, also known as gymnastic or exercise balls or fitballs, are huge size balls used to perform flexible movements to flex the core. As fun as it may sound, it uses intense exercises like curl-ups, planks or press-ups.
Gymnastic balls create a difference in terms of core stability and flexibility. These mainly target muscles of the lower back, abdomen, deep pelvic and core. There are plenty of Gymnastic balls listed on OLX Classifieds.
2. Kettlebells

These kettle shaped dumbbells do everything a regular dumbbell does. The only difference being these are harder to control. It’s mainly because their off shape makes the center of gravity move away from the handles, making it harder to control.
Kettlebells are great exercise equipment for upper body workouts. Find kettlebells on OLX Classifieds.
3. Styrofoam roller

Styrofoam rollers are soft rollers that you can use to exercise the back, upper back, neck, chest, shoulders, thighs and even calves. It’s a perfect and handy tool to massage and exercise specific muscles of your body.
All you have to do is lie down and roll over the roller. It’s light to carry as well as light on your pocket. FInd some styrofoam roller on OLX Classifieds.
Strong muscles and bones are essential for a healthy living. We have mentioned some of the best equipment that can keep you fit. Do you know any other equipment that can keep you fit? Let us know in the comments below.
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