Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd., has revised the booking prices of its vehicles. The new prices will apply with immediate effect. This is being done under the government’s orders for auto makers to not demand more than 20 percent of the vehicle’s selling price.
Updated booking prices
If you are interested in the latest and upcoming Honda Civic, you’ll have to pay this much to book it. Previously, Honda was demanding Rs.1,200,000 for all the variants.
Honda Civic
Variants | Booking Cost |
Civic 1.5L Turbo M-CVT | Rs.1,100,000 |
Civic Oriel 1.5L Turbo M-CVT | Rs.1,100,000 |
Civic RS 1.5L Turbo LL-CVT | Rs.1,200,000 |
If you are interested in buying Honda City, this is the new booking price for it. Earlier, the company was demanding anywhere from Rs.1,100,000 to 1,200,000 as booking price for its various variants.
Honda City
Variants | Booking Cost |
Honda City MT 1.2 | Rs.550,000 |
Honda City CVT 1.2 | Rs.600,000 |
Honda City 1.5 CVT | Rs.600,000 |
Honda City Aspire 1.5 MT | Rs.650,000 |
Honda City Aspire 1.5 CVT | Rs.700,000 |
BR-V is another hot-selling model of Honda Pakistan and its booking price has also been revised.
Honda BR-V
You can now book BR-V 1.5 CVT for Rs.700,000.
Good news?
While, Honda Pakistan has not decreased the prices of these three models, this news must still be welcomed. Any money that you do not need to pay upfront can be invested somewhere smartly. So, the government’s initiative must be welcomed.
However, what the government must now do as well is to ensure that Honda and others do not delay delivering booked vehicles. It has become common practice for these auto manufacturers to make customers wait for months. What happens in the meanwhile is that the prices are jacked up, forcing customers to pay the deferential.
It has been a win-win game for the auto makers and it still is. However, it shouldn’t be a zero-sum game for the customers.
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