
7 Tried and Tested Home Remedies for Dry Skin

7 Tried and Tested Home Remedies for Dry Skin

According to Christine Poblete-Lopez, MD and Vice Chair of the Department of Dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio – “Other over-the-counter products can have a ton of ingredients in them — they not only contain the active moisturizing products, but they also have preservatives.”

Whether it is because of aging, the environment or an underlying skin condition, there is nothing worse than having an itchy, flaky dry skin. There is a whole list of tips and techniques that help people get rid of the issue, but the real question is: Out of these gazillion remedies, which ones are the most effective?

While some people experience dry skin occasionally, others deal with it on a regular basis. Known as Xerosis, dry skin is a condition in which the outer layer of the skin lacks moisture. 

You must be wondering what causes dry skin? Showers, heat, harsh soaps, detergents, etc. can trigger a dry skin condition, but fortunately there are various remedies that you can use to restore the moisture of your skin. 

While there are many over-the-counter products available in the market, we personally prefer and recommend you trying out home remedies as they are less risky and more effective.

Having said that, let’s discuss some tips to treat dry skin.

1. Olive Oil Cleansing

Using olive oil is one of the best and easiest ways to moisturize your skin. All you have to do is apply oil on your skin and wrap a warm, damp towel around it. Once the towel cools down, remove the excess oil. It is a great technique to treat dry skin on the face as well as on any other part of the body.


Olive oil is a great cleanser because it won’t take away the natural oils of your skin but will clean it. 

2. Natural Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub

Exfoliation is key to healthy skin.

You can create a natural exfoliator at your home with a combination of olive oil and sugar. According to a famous licensed aesthetician in the US, Brandy Crompton, you have to mix 2 tbsp of olive oil in ½ cup of sugar to create a homemade scrub. Even though it is not mandatory, you can add any essential oil of your choice to add natural fragrance. 


Rub the scrub on your skin and then wipe it off. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after that.

If you want to buy olive oil online, you can get it from OLX Pakistan’s website. 

3. Apply Coconut Oil Before You Sleep

Want to treat your skin? Apply coconut oil before you tuck yourself in bed. You can apply coconut oil on dry heels, wear thick socks and go to sleep. 


Coconut oil can also be applied on chapped lips. 

4. Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is a magical product that can be used in multiple ways. It is an effective remedy for sunburn relief as well as dry skin. 

It alleviates redness and irritation caused by excessive dry skin. Along with this, Aloe Vera is also popular for decreasing signs of aging as well as acne breakouts. 


You can either get extracted Aloe Vera gel or get an Aloe Vera plant for your home and scoop out the gel yourself. Both of these are available on OLX Pakistan’s website. 

5. Create an Oatmeal and Honey Mask

A honey and oatmeal mask is another remedy that will help you get rid of dry skin. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 2 tbsp of oats and add a dash of water. You should warm up the mixture and apply it to your skin. 


You can either choose to exfoliate and take it off right away or leave it for 15 minutes on your skin as a soothing mask. 

6. Use Milk Compress

Milk not only has inflammatory properties but it also has lactic acid which is a natural exfoliant. For dry skin treatment, you can use a milk compress which can easily be made at home.  


According to the Cincinnati Health Institute, to make a milk compress at home all you have to do is soak a clean cloth in a bowl of cool milk. You can use this compress for 5-10 minutes at a time and get relief from irritated and itchy skin. 

7. Adding Oil to Your Bath

Adding oil to your bath is another great remedy. You can add a few tablespoons of your favorite natural oil to your bath. Allow your skin to soak it and then instead of rubbing the skin, pat it so that the oil is not removed. 


You can use argon, jojoba, olive, coconut or avocado oil for this purpose. 

These are a few remedies that we think would work out for your skin. Do let us know if these remedies helped you or not.

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