Emergencies come unannounced. While driving a car, a whole lot of things can go wrong, take accidents for example. In Pakistan, in 2019 – 2020, more than 12,000 people were injured in road accidents. This is the reported figure; the real figure could be a lot higher. This however doesn’t mean accidents are the only form of emergencies. Car tyres can burst especially during summers, resulting in fatal injuries. Or there could be a battery failure, running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, etc.
As a driver, are you ready for such emergencies? It is never too late or too early to prepare for such situations. It is therefore important to know what to have in your car at all times to successfully deal with such eventualities.
For many, a car tool kit is the only thing they need. Car kit is important but it’s not enough. In this blog, we have listed some of the most important items you must have in your car at all times.
Car Tool Kit
As you already know, a car tool kit contains a helpful set of tools to fix minor repairs. Most of these kits contain screwdrivers, wrench, adapter, sockets, ratchets, hex keys, etc. You can also buy car toolkits of your choice as per the budget and requirement. To use this toolkit, you must understand the basics of car repairing. It will help you a lot in case your car breaks down.

Air Compressor
No one can deny the importance of an air compressor when you are driving a car on the road. Tyre punctures are common in Pakistan due to many reasons. In most cases, tyre repair shops are located at long distances on the highways. So, buy an air compressor or an air pump as it is a must have thing in your car to avoid any inconvenience. In most cases, punctured tubeless tyres can be driven after re-inflating. If the tyre shop is far away, you can inflate the tyre till you reach the shop.

You can also buy a tyre puncture kit for these types of instances. But firstly, you must learn to use these kits.
Tyre Sealant
Different types of tyre sealants are available these days. Most of them work the same. When you fill the tyre with these sealants, the liquid acts as a secondary coating. When the tyre gets punctured, this sealant prevents air inside from coming out. If you notice that the sealant levels are low, this could be because of another puncture in the past. So, tyre sealant is essential to keep in your car for emergency, as you might need to refill the tyre.

First Aid Box
A first aid kit is essential. It will not only help you in emergencies but will also enable you to help others in emergency situations. In this way, it becomes the most important item to keep in your car. But what are the first aid box items that you should have? The following are some of the essential items:
- Medical tape
- Bandages
- Trauma shears (scissors)
- Pain killers
- Anesthetic spray
- Disposable gloves
- Thermometer
- Hot/cold pad
- Tweezers
- A notepad and pen
- Alcohol pads
- Antiseptic liquids (methylated spirit, povidone-iodine, etc.)

Jump Starter
Imagine you pulled into a service area on a highway for lunch or dinner and your car doesn’t start. It’s a nightmare if it’s dark and you are traveling alone or with family. To meet this situation head-on, buy a jump starter as this device can help start your car without needing another car’s battery.

Cables to Jump Start a Car
If you don’t want to buy a jump starter, then at least buy jump start cables. They can help you start your car again with the help of another car’s battery. In this case, you are dependent on others.
Fire Extinguisher
Believe it or not, fire extinguishers are as necessary in a house or office building as in a car. If your car catches fire for whatever reason, you can quickly put it out with the help of a fire extinguisher. It is not only beneficial for you but you can also help others in the case of an emergency. A fire extinguisher is essential keep in your car for emergency.

During an accident, occupants of the car can get stuck inside due to stuck or jammed seat belts. If a car catches fire, it is essential that its occupants leave it as quickly as possible. For this, a knife must be kept in the car at all times.

Light Reflector
If it’s dark, you’ve stopped on the road and you want to keep the other vehicles away, you need light reflectors. Here are the two types of reflectors you must have in the car.
i) Reflecting Triangle
Reflecting triangles are placed on the road to divert the traffic. Get at least 3 or more. Place the first triangle 10 feet directly behind your car on the side closest to the road. Second triangle goes 100 feet behind, facing the middle of your car. The third triangle should be placed 300 feet away from the car, facing the side of your car furthest from the road.

ii) Reflective coat
Always wear a reflective coat when you have to come outside of your vehicle stopped on the road. Especially in the dark as the reflection will let the others notice you from far to avoid any collision.

Poncho / RainCoat / Rain Cover
Poncho or rain cover is not only for emergencies, it is an essential item you must have in the car. Your car might stop when it is raining. So, a rain coat can help you go outside the car and see what the problem is. You can also give it to a person stuck in the rain.

Like the rain coat, an umbrella is also an important item to keep not only for the emergency situation but also for normal circumstances. It will help you go outside the car and check the problem in the rain as well as in the blazing sun.

Imagine your car needs a tyre change or any other repair in the middle of the road. Doing it without gloves could be problematic. Gloves keep your hands clean. You can wash the gloves later on. So, gloves are useful items to keep in your car for emergency

A flashlight is very important especially if you have to stop when it’s dark. Although your mobile phone will have a flashlight, you need a powerful one at night. It helps light up the area. A flashlight is also useful to signal others on the road.

Water Bottle
Well, water bottles are important not only in emergencies but also in normal conditions. A water bottle can be used to cool down the engine if it is overheated. If the coolant is dried out and no other option is available, you can use water in the radiator (only in emergencies).

Road Flares
If you’re stranded on the road and there is no one near to help you, you can always use a flare to seek attention from others, no matter how far. There are different flares for night and day. So, road flares are essential to keep in your car for emergency.

Like water bottles, blankets are good for both emergencies and normal situations. If it’s cold and you are stranded on the road, they’ll keep you warm. Also, after accidents, depending upon the injury, some people face extreme cold or chills. You can also use them to warm others in the case of an accident.

Spare Tyre and Jack
Most cars already have them in Pakistan. However, nowadays, some new cars don’t come equipped with them. So, you have to buy a spare tyre and a jack on your own. It will allow you to change the tyre if it bursts.

You must keep non-perishable food items in your car. Again, if you are stranded on the road with no help and there is a diabetic person in your car, you would need food for them. Even otherwise, you should keep some packaged food items in your car for kids, etc.

Here is a list of food items you can carry with you:
- Dry fruits and vegetables
- Canned beans
- Biscuits
- Preserved juices
- Chips
- Energy bars
- Powdered milk
- Cereal
Charger or Power bank
Having a car mobile charger or power bank is essential. In an emergency or accident, the first thing people do is to contact their loved ones to inform them about their situation. You don’t want to be in a situation where you can’t even contact your loved ones because your phone’s battery has died. Even if your phone battery is full, you might be stuck in an unwanted situation where you have to spend more than a day in your car. So, it is better to keep a car mobile charger or power bank with you in the car.

Emergencies are a part of life and when you are on the road, anything can happen. But a prepared person is in a better position to handle them head-on. In this blog, you will find a list of items you need to have in your car at all times to deal successfully with any type of emergency on the road.
Which items do you keep in your car for emergency? Tell us in the comment box.
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