Did you know that around 60% of accidents happen at night despite just 25% of traffic during these hours? Bike riding at night is quite challenging, especially during winter. To avoid road accidents, you need to be prepared in a better way and be extra vigilant. Being a night rider for many years, I have some important tips for you to avoid unwanted situations. So, let’s start with the first one.
Check All the Lights
I know it may sound a little hectic, but believe me, checking all the lights before riding is very important, especially during the night. You don’t want to be in a situation when you are travelling in the evening, and all of a sudden, you need your headlight on, but it’s not working. Also, many people ignore the backlight, which is very important during night riding, as it lets other vehicles from behind see you from a distance, helping avoid collisions.
Choose the Safe Route
Well! Exploring new routes might not be a good idea when riding at night. You need the safest route to your destination that you already know about. Imagine getting lost at night in a place where nobody’s there and you don’t know the route. You may find the route via Google Maps (or any other), but you don’t know the area, so it can become a little confusing or sometimes a dangerous situation. So, plant the route before leaving.
Avoid Looking Into the Headlights
Looking directly into the headlights of the vehicles coming from the opposite direction can cause significant strain on your eyes. As a result, it becomes harder to ride with focus. If you avoid looking directly into the headlights, your visibility will be higher.

Keep Distance
Keeping a fair distance between you and the other vehicle is inevitable. If we talk about the night, studies suggest that the average reaction time increases during the night compared to the day. So it is crucial to maintain a greater distance from the other vehicles at night compared to during the day.
Make Yourself Visible
Yes, you need to make yourself visible to others, especially during the winter when fog is dense and visibility is very low. For this purpose, you may wear high-visibility clothing/gear or use reflective tape. It improves your visibility to the other riders and minimizes the chances of an accident.
Don’t Over Speed
Last but not least, avoid overspeeding, as it’s bad even during the day. We know the reaction time and visibility decrease at night, so you should reduce speed. I suggest keeping it low at night compared to the speed during the day, even if the route is the same.

These were some of the crucial tips for night riding. Do your best to make your ride safe for yourself as well as others.
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