Believe it or not, web development is an essential part of any marketing strategy. To create exposure for your brand, you need to have a proper website to create awareness and for providing information on what your brand is truly all about. Certain tools are at disposal for this task. Content management systems, frameworks, underlying programming languages are the choices you are provided with and much more is available as a second thought. Here though, OLX would like to introduce you to web frameworks used for developing websites with some of the best examples and their purposes.
What Are Web Frameworks?
Web Frameworks are used for providing development assistance to a website developer through providing web resources, application programming interfaces and web services. Frameworks can be separated into two types: Backend and Frontend.
Backend frameworks help create functions and modules used for the inner workings of a web application. These are the snippets of code that make a web application work and stay literally behind the scenes of a user interface of a web application.
Frontend frameworks are the go-to tools used for creating the user facing part of a web application. The code made from these frameworks interacts with the user through stuff like graphics, videos and buttons on a user interface, acting as an intermediary relay to the backend of an application.
Up next, let us see a couple of these most popular frameworks and what these do for a developer.
Following the Model-Template-View architecture, Django is one of the most popular backend web frameworks based on the object-oriented Python programming language. It is fantastic for beginners looking into web development as the underlying programmable language does not have a steep learning curve and is sort of a battery included developmental framework, meaning a lot of its code is pre-written. Django is free and open source. The name comes from Django Reinhardt (famous guitarist) and it found its inception in the print-media. Django is highly data-driven and is known for its robustness in this matter.
Stemming from the offices of Facebook, this flow architecture framework is all about reusable components and code. It’s underlying programming language is Javascript, the web’s most used development language. The great thing about this one is that it makes frontend development justifiably fun and less time consuming. It is especially excellent for single-page web page applications. Moreover, it has a native version called React Native for mobile web applications, making it easier to port code between the two most used web platforms.
PHP’s darling web framework is a favourite among users of the aforementioned development language used for the web. Like Django, it is also free, open source and made for backend development. It is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, where code is separated into different sections, each for the uniquely defined yet interconnected elements (mentioned before).
Angular 2+
Another top web application framework with a Javascript base and similarly based Typescript. Very much like its brethren on this list, Angular is also a MVC, open source and free to use framework led by a designated team at Google. It can be used to make desktop and web applications. The highlight of this frontend framework is that it can be less error prone because of Typescript (sophisticated version of Javascript) and is the next evolution of the older AngularJS.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can be a headache if you take it head on but thanks to the existence of Bootstrap, styling your websites is now a hassle-free task. What this framework does is that it can streamline the process of creating a style sheet, just by importing the framework and typing in some keywords in the markup of your website. The keywords of Bootstrap automatically sets up the elements in the website for you.
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Backend frameworks help create functions and modules used for the inner workings of a web application. These are the snippets of code that make a web application work and stay literally behind the scenes of a user interface of a web application.