Electronics and Home Appliances

The Hidden Dangers and Benefits of LPG and Gas Heaters in Pakistan: What You Should Know

The Hidden Dangers and Benefits of LPG and Gas Heaters in Pakistan: What You Should Know

As temperatures start to drop in Pakistan, people are getting their gas heaters ready. Many households in Pakistan rely on gas or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) heaters to combat the icy cold winter. These heaters provide comfort during chilly winters but may also carry significant risks, especially if you don’t handle them with care. So, we will answer the question, “are LPG gas heaters safe?” Also, we will show the pros and cons of LPG and gas heaters while shedding light on the alarming statistics, safety issues, and some interesting facts about their usage.

The Alarming Numbers: Safety Concerns and Mishaps

Gas heaters are convenient and cheaper for both price and running costs. It is the reason why many prefer them. As the literacy levels are not very high in Pakistan as a whole, many people with low literacy levels are unaware of safety precautions while using gas heaters. It is among the major reasons why bad incidents happen. Every winter, Pakistan witnesses several tragedies caused by faulty heaters or improper usage. 

  • Household accidents related to gas and fire increase during winters.
  • The main causes of death are carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and gas leakage, often occurring due to lack of ventilation or leaving heaters on overnight.
  • Research published in the Journal of Saidu Medical College found that 83% of the people who were affected by carbon monoxide poisoning suffered due to gas heaters (53.3% were males and 46.7% were females).
  • Dawn News reported that 28,000 deaths and 40 million respiratory disease cases are reported annually due to indoor air pollutants in the country. Most of them are not linked to gas heaters, but they highlight the significance of the risks of contaminated air.

It is also important to understand that the issues are not just related to the heater but also related to the cylinders. Negligence in handling the LPG cylinder, heater, or both can be dangerous and may lead to unwanted incidents. These statistics remind us of the dangers that gas heaters can pose if we don’t handle them with care.

Why Gas Heaters Are Still Popular

As I told you earlier, gas heaters are still a popular choice (even with the risks associated with them) in Pakistan for several reasons. So, let’s see their pros and cons here.

Pros of LPG and Gas Heaters:

  1. Cost-Effective: It is the most common cause why they are popular. Natural gas and LPG heaters are more affordable than electric heaters. They are cheaper to buy, and operational costs are lower as well. 
  2. Quick Heating: Yes, the gas heaters provide quick heating. It makes them a blessing for people who need instant heating. Due to this, they are especially popular in the Northern region, where temperatures can drop dramatically, which leads to the urgent need for heating.
  3. Reliable During Power Cuts: In areas with frequent electricity outages, gas heaters are no less than a bliss. When the electricity goes out, gas heating systems continue to function without interruption if there isn’t a gas outage. 
  4. Easily Available: We all know that LPG cylinders and natural gas connections are widely available across the country. Especially in rural areas where electricity might not be as consistent. That is another reason behind their popularity.

Cons of LPG and Gas Heaters:

  1. Safety Risks: As mentioned earlier, gas heaters are notorious for carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. It is an odorless and colorless gas that is produced as a result of combustion. It is nearly impossible to detect it without proper alarms. As some people still leave their gas heaters on at night, the chances of poisoning from CO increase.
  2. Environmental Impact: Do you know that burning LPG or gas releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO)? These greenhouse gases contribute to environmental degradation.
  3. Health Issues: It is important to note that extended use of gas heaters indoors may lead to respiratory problems in some people. It is due to the emission of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from gas heaters that can irritate the lungs and may worsen conditions like asthma. So,  keep in mind this disadvantage if anyone in the room has respiratory problems.
  4. Gas Shortages: We all know that many regions in Pakistan face seasonal shortages of gas during winter. Also, the price of LPG generally rises in this season as well and LPG shortages are also common in some areas. This can make LPG heaters less convenient than electric heaters in those areas (only if there is an uninterrupted electricity supply in that area).

Facts About Gas Heaters in Pakistan

It’s a sad reality that most deaths caused by gas heaters occur in metropolitan areas. One would expect more deaths to occur in rural areas where, for instance, there are little or no safety precautions due to lower literacy levels. Nevertheless, it appears that people living in urban settings tend to leave their gas heaters turned on for the night in closed rooms creating a risk of carbon monoxide buildup and poisoning. 

In addition, there is another fact: in cities such as Karachi and Lahore, when there are gas shortages, people tend to use LPG instead. However, many accidents occurred due to the misuse of LPG gas cylinders or quality issues with these cylinders. Generally, people tend to use old cylinders that do not undergo inspection and are thus very dangerous as they can burst.

How to Stay Safe

With the inherent dangers posed by gas heaters, it’s important to adhere to safety measures as follows:

  • Ensure Proper Ventilation: The gas heater should never be used in a closed room, particularly for long periods and during sleep. If it is inevitable, leave a window or door opened.
  • Switch Off Heaters When Going to Bed: It is a common tendency for a person to want to keep the heater working while resting. This poses an additional threat of suffocation caused by carbon monoxide gas. Therefore, heavy warm blankets should be used instead and the heater turned off before sleeping. 
  • Maintenance: Carry out timely checks on the safety of your gas heaters and gas cylinders for their possible leakages or structural damages. Such activities may avert future unpleasant and dangerous occurrences.

Final Thoughts

Gas heaters offer both convenience and affordability, but they come with serious safety risks. By understanding the dangers and taking precautions, you can enjoy a warm, comfortable winter without putting yourself or your family in harm’s way.

As we head into another cold season, let’s not forget: while gas heaters may warm our homes, it’s our responsibility to keep safety a priority. After all, no warmth is worth risking lives.

So, are gas heaters worth it? The answer depends on how well you’re prepared to handle them. Safety first, always.

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