
The Many Benefits of Cycling and Why You Should Take It Up Today

The Many Benefits of Cycling and Why You Should Take It Up Today

When was the last time you saw smokefree, clear blue skies in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, etc? Peak of Covid 19. That was perhaps the only silver lining in Covid. Deserted roads and fresh air led many to take up cycling. Seeing the entire family’s bicycle became such a welcome relief to an otherwise mundane urban life. However, now as things get back to normal, the cycling trend is on the way down and it’s something which should concern us all. 

Cycling is a low-impact physical activity for all ages. It can protect you from myriad serious medical conditions like heart attack and stroke, cancers, diabetes, arthritis, obesity and the rest. And what makes it a more practical form of physical activity is that it can fit into your daily routine like biking to work, school or the local market, etc. 

Keep reading and you’ll find more detailed information on the many benefits of cycling along with the benefits of using a cycling exercise machine at home. 

Benefits of Cycling

Think of cycling as an aerobic activity (which it is), in which your heart, lungs, and blood vessels all get a workout, resulting in improvement in your fitness level. If you are concerned about the following and suspect that your sedentary lifestyle is leading towards you these, regular cycling can help in:

  • Increased heart fitness
  • Reduction in anxiety and depression
  • Increased muscular strength and flexibility
  • Decreased body fat
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Strong bones
  • Decrease in stress levels
  • Improved posture

So, in short, regularly cycling is good not just for your physical health but also mental health. And if you are looking to buy one, look no further than OLX Pakistan Bicycle listings.

Having said this, cycling is an outdoor activity which cannot be done inside the house unless you live in a farmhouse, etc. But if you can’t cycle outside for whatever reason and weight loss is your main reason behind taking up cycling, you can get a stationary bike instead.

Benefits of Cycling Exercise Machine

A stationary bike or cycling exercise machine is the same as a regular bike with the difference that it puts less stress on your joints. Otherwise, it helps you burn body fat and calories, and strengthens your heart, muscles, and lungs just like a regular bicycle.

To summarize, the following are some of many benefits of a cycling exercise machine:

  • Can be done inside the home so it provides privacy
  • It is safer than bicycling on the road
  • Provides a low-impact workout
  • Burns body fat and helps in weight loss
  • Boosts heart health
  • Strengthens your leg muscles

Types of Cycling Exercise Machines

Generally, stationary bikes can be divided into three types:

Upright – It is the most popular and recognizable stationary bike. It is great for cardio workout and for leg and core muscles. However, it can be uncomfortable for long workouts due to its small seat. 

Recumbent – Upright bikes may not be comfortable but Recumbent bikes are. They are also stationary bikes but provide a comfortable reclined sitting position. The seat is larger than an upright bike’s seat and is positioned back from the pedals. Unlike the upright bike, the recumbent bike exerts less pressure on the body and is therefore suitable for older adults, etc. 

Dual-action – You must have seen these bikes. These are the ones with handlebars that move back and forth. Dual-action stationary machines are ideal for you if you are interested in upper body workout.  

Cycling Machine Price in Pakistan

If you are looking for a wide variety of cycling machines in Pakistan, look no further than OLX Pakistan’s listings. Here, you will find both new and used stationary bikes and due to large listings and a stiff competition, you are likely to find the best prices.  

Workout Plan for Beginners 

Now that you know about cycling machines, their benefits, types and prices, you need to know a bit about how and how often to use them especially if you’re a beginner. 

The secret is in starting slowly and then gradually working your way up. Start with 25 – 35 minute workout sessions and then add time in 1-minute increments.

For example, 

  1. Pedal at low intensity level for 5 – 10 minutes
  2. Then, switch to medium intensity for 5 minutes
  3. Now, switch to high intensity for 1 – 2 minutes
  4. Again, switching back to medium intensity for 5 minutes
  5. Then, high intensity for 1 – 2 minutes
  6. Followed by medium intensity for 5 minutes

Finish the session at a low intensity for 5 minutes. 

Workout Plan for Weight Loss

If you’ve bought a cycling machine for weight loss, you can follow this exercise plan:

1. Pedal at low intensity level for 5 – 10 minutes

2. Then, switch to medium intensity for 3 – 5 minutes

3. Now, switch back and forth between high intensity (1 – 3 minutes) and medium intensity (3 – 5 minutes) for the next 20 to 30 minutes

4. Finish the session at a low intensity for 5 – 10 minutes. 


If you can have a strong heart, mind and bones with 2 – 4 hours of physical activity in a week, what would you call it? Magic? We’d call it cycling. 

If the Dutch Prime Minister can bicycle to meet the King of the Netherlands, what is your excuse to not take up this healthy lifestyle? 

Let us know if you have any questions about cycling in the comments section. 

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