
Latest Steel Prices in Pakistan 2025

Latest Steel Prices in Pakistan 2025

Steel, an alloy of iron, carbon, and some other elements, is among the most important construction materials. Steel bars, also known as rebar, come in different grades and thicknesses and are used to strengthen the structure of buildings. Its price is one of the major costs in constructing the grey structure of a building, but it differs as per grades, thicknesses, brands, and cities. So, you will find the latest steel price in Pakistan here for all these variations.

But before moving to the price, let’s understand steel and steel bars (rebar or sariya).

Understanding Steel & Steel Bars or Rebar (Sarya)

Many people think that steel is an element just like iron, but it’s not: it’s an alloy of iron (the main element), carbon, and some other elements that give it unique properties like improved strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, ductility, malleability, etc. It is the reason why steel bars, also known as rebar (sarya), are used to reinforce the building’s structure. 

Rebar, or sarya in Urdu, is a steel rod with ridges used to reinforce concrete. It comes in different thicknesses (mostly measured in sutar or millimeters) and grades (40 & 60). Due to this, their prices vary as well.


If you want to know the latest steel rate in Pakistan​ today, this blog contains the steel price (per kg and per ton) of many popular brands and major cities in Pakistan. You will also find the grade 40 and grade 60 sarya rates in Pakistan here. So, let’s see the Pakistan steel price list.

Steel Price in Pakistan by Different Brands

The following are the latest steel rates today as per different brands and grades:

Brand40 Grade Price Per Kg40 Grade Price Per Metric Ton60 Grade Price Per Kg60 Grade Price Per Metric Ton
Agha SteelRs. 249Rs. 249,000Rs. 253Rs. 253,000
Mughal SteelRs. 246Rs. 246,000Rs. 250Rs. 250,000
Amreli SteelRs. 250Rs. 250,000Rs. 254Rs. 254,000
Aisha SteelRs. 245Rs. 245,000Rs. 248Rs. 248,000
AF SteelRs. 244Rs. 244,000Rs. 247Rs. 247,000
Chenab SteelRs. 242Rs. 242,000Rs. 245Rs. 245,000
Five Star SteelRs. 244Rs. 244,000Rs. 246Rs. 246,000
Ittehad SteelRs. 243Rs. 243,000Rs. 247Rs. 247,000
Moiz SteelRs. 247Rs. 247,000Rs. 249Rs. 249,000
Naveena SteelRs. 243Rs. 243,000Rs. 247Rs. 247,000
Union SteelRs. 244Rs. 244,000Rs. 247Rs. 247,000

Steel Rate in Pakistan Today in Major Cities

Want to know the local steel prices in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, and other major cities? The following table will show you the latest rates of local steel bars: 


Sarya Rate in Pakistan

If you are interested in the prices of sarya (from 3 sutar to 8 sutar), the following table will show you the updated rates.

Saria Size in Sutar or mmGrade 40 Rate Per KgGrade 40 Rate Per Metric TonGrade 60 Rate Per KgGrade 60 Rate Per Metric Ton
3 sutar or 10mmRs. 255Rs. 255,000Rs. 256Rs. 256,000
4 sutar or 12mmRs. 256Rs. 256,000Rs. 256Rs. 256,000
5 sutar or 16mmRs. 256Rs. 256,000Rs. 256Rs. 256,000
6 sutar or 20mmRs. 256Rs. 256,000Rs. 256Rs. 256,000
7 sutar or 22mmRs. 256Rs. 256,000Rs. 257Rs. 257,000
8 sutar or 25mmRs. 256Rs. 256,000Rs. 257Rs. 257,000

Historic Steel Prices in Pakistan

Are you interested in the historic steel prices? Check out the yearly trend of the average steel prices per month:


This trend shows that the steel price in Pakistan nowadays is at the lowest point in a year.

Keep in mind that the prices mentioned here can vary slightly, as some figures show the averages.

Factors Affecting Steel Rates in Pakistan

Well, there are different factors that can affect the steel price in Pakistan. Sometimes, supply declines and demand rises, which increases the overall price of steel, and sometimes it’s the opposite. In the same way, transportation costs, raw material costs, labor costs, season, currency, and even exchange rates, etc. can affect the steel rates.

Importance of Steel Reinforcement Bars (Sarya) in Construction

Steel reinforcement bars (rebar) have huge significance in construction. They are used to reinforce the concrete mixture, contributing to the strengthening of the main building structure. From the base to pillars to the roof, they are used in most of the areas when constructing the gray structures of the building. I have an architect friend who once said strength is not just in the concrete but in the steel that reinforces it. It means without steel reinforcement, even the strongest structures crumble.

Which is why many people pay a good amount of money for steel reinforcements. The cost of steel bar reinforcements even goes beyond the costs of plumbing, paint, wiring & electricals, sand, etc. Here are the average costs for a 10-marla house for your reference.

  • Steel reinforcement (rebar): Rs. 1,200,000
  • Sand: Rs. 1,000,000
  • Crush: Rs. 450,000
  • Plumbing cost: Rs. 900,000
  • Paint: Rs. 800,000
  • Wiring & Electricals: Rs. 600,000

How to Check Steel/Saria Quality?

It is very important that you buy good-quality steel bars to get the desired strength in the structure. There are different ways to check the quality of the sariya. The two common ways are thickness and grade. Thickness is often measured in sutras or millimeters (mm) and grades are in numbers like 40, 60, etc. You need to get the required grade and thickness as instructed by your engineer.

Understanding the Thickness of Rebar

Here are the conversions of Sutar to mm.

SutarMillimetres (mm)
3 sutar10mm
4 sutar12mm
5 sutar16mm
6 sutar20mm
7 sutar22mm
8 sutar25mm

Understanding the Grades of Rebar

This table will help you understand the difference between a grade 40 vs. a grade 60 rebar (sariya).

FactorsGrade 40 Steel Reinforcement (Rebar)Grade 60 Steel Reinforcement (Rebar)
Tensile Strength40,000 psi or 276 MPa60,000 psi or 414 MPa
Yield Strength40,000 psi or 276 MPa60,000 psi or 414 MPa

There are some other ways to check the quality of steel bars.

Manufacturer or Brand: Choosing a reputable brand is among the best steps to ensure the steel bars you are buying are of high quality. 

Physical Inspection: You can also inspect the steel bars physically to check uniformity in their thickness, surface finishing, etc.

Bend and Rebend Test: It is a popular test to check the steel bar quality by bending and rebending it simultaneously, as steel can withstand this process without cracks or fractures. Even a 180-degree bend cannot make a good-quality steel crack or break.

Rust Test: Deep rusting or scaling indicates poor-quality steel, but keep in mind that mild rusting is normal.

Steel vs Iron in Construction

Many of you will be thinking why iron is not preferred and steel is. Well, there are many reasons why steel is a preferred choice. 

CompositionPure metal or alloy (cast/wrought iron)An alloy of iron and carbon
StrengthWeaker & brittle (cast iron)Stronger & high tensile strength
DurabilityProne to rust & less durableCorrosion-resistant & long-lasting
DuctilityLow (brittle, breaks under stress)High (bends without breaking)
WeightHeavier & less efficientLighter & better strength-to-weight ratio
CostCheaper but high-maintenanceSlightly expensive but cost-effective
Load-bearingLower capacityHigher, suitable for skyscrapers/bridges
UsesGates, grills. etc.Rebars, beams, columns, etc.

Interesting Facts About Steel

There are many interesting facts about steel that will fascinate you. Here are some of them:

  • Steel is more elastic than rubber
  • It is lighter than iron
  • Steel is up to 1,000 times stronger than pure iron
  • 90% of the world’s tallest buildings use steel


These were the latest steel prices as per different grades, thicknesses, and cities. Now, you can easily get an idea of how much you will have to pay when buying steel bars from different brands in Pakistan. Stay tuned with us for more informative content like this.


What is stainless steel​?

Stainless steel is a corrosion-resistant alloy of steel manufactured with at least 10.5% chromium.

Is steel a magnetic material​?

Yes, most steel types are magnetic, except austenitic stainless steel.

Which is more elastic, rubber or steel​?

Steel is more elastic because it returns to its original shape faster than rubber when stretched.

How is steel manufactured?​

It is manufactured by melting iron ore with carbon and other elements in a blast furnace or electric arc furnace. After that, it’s shaped into required forms.

How many length of steel in a ton​?

It depends on the bar diameter. For example, 12mm bars: approx. 94 pieces of 12m length in 1 ton.

How thick is 18 gauge steel in mm​?

It’s 1.311 mm thick.

How thick 16 gauge steel​?

It’s 1.59 mm thick.

What is the material of steel?

It’s made of mainly iron mixed with carbon and small amounts of manganese, chromium, and other elements for strength and durability.

How many kgs are in 1 ton saria?

1 ton = 1,000 kg of saria (steel bars).

What is the price of 1 ton steel bar in Pakistan?

The average price of 1 ton branded steel bar ranges from Rs. 243,000 to Rs. 247,000 per ton.

How to remove rust from steel​?

You may try applying rust remover (phosphoric acid or oxalic acid), scrub, and rinse thoroughly.  Vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice to dissolve rust is also another popular method.

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